Saturday, December 17, 2011

Develop Symfony2 with Eclipse

1. Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

2. Extract the archive file to where you want to install Eclipse.

3. Open Eclipse, Go to Help->Install New Software...

4. Add Symfony-2-Eclipse-Plugin repository:

5. Install All of them. (PDT Extensions, PHP Development Tools, Symfony, YEdit)

6. Add Eclipse Color Theme plugins repository:

7. Install Eclipse Color Theme

8. Download Eclipse Symfony2 theme

9. Go to Window->Preferences->General->Appearance->Color Theme , and install the Symfony2 theme.

10. ALL DONE! ENJOY Symfony2!

ex1. Go to PHP->Code Style->Formatter(PDT Tooles) Change Active profile to "Symfony [built in]"

ex2. Edit theme color in Twig: Normal, String

ex3. Edit theme color in YEdit: Scalars, Documents, Default

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